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Grade 7 Final Study Guidemr. Regan's Educational Website

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Grade7 Social Studies

Changingyour world – Investigating Empowerment

FinalExam review

  • GRADE 7 MATH TEACHING GUIDE Lesson I: SETS: AN INTRODUCTION Time: 1.5 hours Pre-requisite Concepts: Whole numbers Objectives: In this lesson, you are expected to: 1. Describe and illustrate a. Well-defined sets; b. Universal set; and d. Use Venn Diagrams to represent sets and subsets. NOTE TO THE TEACHER.
  • English Grade 7 - Reading Comprehension Tests were designed to help you practice English reading comprehension for grade 7. You will read a passage. After reading, there are questions for you to answer.

May25, 2010

American Bar Association accreditation standards require that we have on file for each entering student an official final transcript showing award of your undergraduate degree, sent directly to the School of Law from the Registrar ' s Office at your undergraduate institution or from a third-party transcript clearinghouse. Course Summary Get ready for the STAAR U.S. History EOC exam by completing this comprehensive test preparation course. The course's expertly taught lessons help you review the historical events.

This is your study guide for the upcoming Grade 7 Finalexam.

Remember,your book is your key text and you should have knowledge of most of the key componentsstudied so far and leading up to the exam.Review will take place in the classes priorto the exam to allow practice of the types of questionsexpected in the exam.

Ifthere are any difficulties over the following weeks, feel free to email

Theexam will be based on the study of Units One throughSix of the text.The exam will alsoinclude a study of current events and United Nations Topics discussed in classthis year.

UnitOne : Changing Your World


Key terms to know and understand


Empowermenteconomicshuman rights


Primary sourcessociety


Oneof the key expectations will be to relate the concepts of Personaland Economic Empowermentand Disempowerment to thetopics covered in Chapter One.Studentsshould be able to give their own well defined definition for Empowerment andDisempowerment. Students should alsoreview their self-portraits created in unit one and Empowerment assignment articles for examplesand other current events which occurred in the news media .


- TheHome Children

Youshould be able to provide historical background on the home childrenprogram.You should also be able to giveexplanations of the good and bad parts of the program related to the conceptsof empowerment and disempowerment.(Refer to media discussion on Britain'sapology to the Home Children)

UnitTwo : Distribution of Wealth


Key terms to know and understand

AboriginalartifactsAtlantic Region

The Beothuckbusinessbias


Causedownpaymentdiversified economy



First NationsFirstMetisflowchart

Goodshospitality industryHabitat for Humanity

Industrial economyThe Inuitincome


Profitprivateownershippersonal capital

Povertypovertycycleprimary sector

Quality of lifequaternary sectorsocialism

Standard of livingstereotypesecondary sector


Tree linetertiarysector

Thisunit discusses the opportunities thatare available worldwide for Economic Empowerment.

Youshould be able to discuss examples of the global economy and suggest the effectthat one event will have on other countries around the world.Furthermore, you should be able to discusschanging trends in society, the move away from primary sector jobs and an agingpopulation with reference to the effects of these trends . Students will needto be able to identify, compare/contrast, define and give examples of thedifferent sectors, their functions and an example of workers/jobs in eachsector.

Youshould be able to explain the shift in the First Nation and Inuit economiesfrom an economy that relied mainly on satisfying the needs of the people to onebased around profit.You should be ableto explain the impact of contact with reference to the three key resources offish, fur and timbers.You should alsobe able to relate this changing economy to both empowerment and disempowermentof the First Nations and the European settlers.Reviewall Closer Look sectionsin Chapters 2-4 for understanding and possible application questions.

Thisunit discusses various changes in economics through the years as well as someof the basics of economies.You shouldbe able to discuss the poverty cycle and why it is so difficult to break outof.You should also be able to highlightwhen someone's finances place them ‘ in poverty', ‘ getting by' and ‘gettingahead'.You shouldhave an understanding of Maslow's Hierarchyof Needs and how it relates to economic and personal empowerment.

Similarly,you should be able to discuss the different economies that have existed inCanada in relation to the definitions above including the pre industrialeconomies of the First Nations and the Early Settlers, Canada's economy afterWWI ( Industrial) and the current economy ( post industrial).

Unit3: Toward Empowerment


Key terms to know and understand


ColoniesCharterof Rights &Freedomscholera




Freedom of pressFederalsystem of Government

Grand Derangementhabitantsinformeddecisions



Monarchprejudiceproperty qualifications

Parti Patriotepolitical partiesParliament


Responsible GovernmentRepresentationby Population



ReformTuberculosisTrade preference


Thisunit discusses life in Canadain the early to mid 1800s.It tells usabout the different groups that were involved in Canadian society and discusseshow they were sometimes empowered and disempowered.Also, it discusses the pressures placed onthe British government by Canadians for electoral change as Canadians aimed tobecome more 'empowered'.

Youshould be able to discuss:

Governmentin 1830 with reference to the disempowerment of some groups

Pressurefor change: Rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada,Political Pressure, Media Pressure

Changein British attitudes

Youshould also be able to discuss the process of Confederation with reference tothe pressures felt by each province and by the country as a whole that causedConfederation to be achieved.

Thekey question that must be answered here is why was Confederationnecessary?You should also be able todescribe the process of Confederation step by step, discussing the originalmembers and why other member provinces joined later.

Youshould be able to discuss the experiences of the various groups involved inCanadian society at the time with reference to examples of empowerment anddisempowerment.

Thesegroups include British and Irish immigrants, the French, The First Nations andMetis and the Black Colonists.

Youshould also be able to describe the quality of life experienced by these groupsin the mid 1800s.

Youshould be able to identify the Premiers/Leaders of each province/territory andthe date on which each province/territory joined Confederation.

Unit4: Many Voices


Key terms to know and understand




Louis RielMartyrOraltradition


Residential schoolstreasontopographical maps

Thisunit discusses the stresses that were incurred as Canada grew as a nation, its'growing pains' as it were.It discussesthe people that were affected by the rapid expansion of Canada and their subsequentempowermentor disempowerment.It discusses the struggles encountered bymany of the settlers encouraged by the national policy and their impact upon thepeople as they migrated West.

Youshould be able to discuss the causes and effectsof the Red RiverRebellion, the disempowerment of the Metis and the punishment of Louis Riel andthe divided opinions.You should also beable to discuss the reasoning behind MacDonald's National Policy and theeffects upon Canadians from a viewpoint of empowerment and disempowerment basedupon the experiences of those in the East and west of the country.You should be able to discuss the experiencesof the First Nations and aboriginal groups within Canada, the methods used by theCanadian government to disempower them and relate it to their current standingwithin Canadian Society.

Super mario bros. crossovergamefort. Super Mario Bros Star Scramble 2: Ghost Island. Super Mario Bus. 1-28 of 156 games. Super Mario Bros. Crossover is a fan game that recreates the original Super Mario Bros. And allows you to play it as characters from other games. For optimal performance, play the game in the Firefox web browser. If the game does not load, upgrade to the latest version of Flash. If the game appears cropped and you cannot see the whole screen.

Unit5: New Century, New Ideas


Key terms to know and understand



Industrial RevolutionLabourUnionsMiddleclass

Role modelsocialreformsuffrage

Suffragist movementsweatshopsstrikes

Safety lawssocialdisparitytruck system

Thisunit focuses the changes that occurred across Canada in the early part of the 20thcentury .Some on of the trends observedincluding improvements in the quality of living, education and massive changesin the workforce, employment available and location of the population.

Youshould also be able to discuss worker's conditions in the primary resourceindustries such as logging, mining, fisheries and factory work, the reasonsleading to the formation of Unions and women's issues.

Unit6: A Stronger Nation


Key terms to know and understand


Battle of Sommeconvoysenemyaliens

Front lineinternmentcampsNo Mans Land

over the topPropagandastalemate


Youshould be able to provide a detailed outline of the events leading from theassassination to the total outbreak of war.You should also be able to explain why some countries had to go towar.You should be able to identify whenthe battles of 2nd Ypres, Somme, and Vimy Ridge occurred and mostimportantly why each battle was so important to Canada and the lessons that werelearned from each.

Youshould also be able to discuss the different roles adopted by people during theFirst World war and the impact that this had after the war.

Youshould also be able to discuss Canada'seconomic growth during the war and the many benefits of the war upon Canadianbusiness as well as the difficulties encountered during the war.

Youshould be able to describe, with reference to disempowerment, the experience ofthose defined as 'aliens' by the Canadian government.You should also be able to discuss theexperiences of those who were opposed to Conscription and conscientiouslyobjected to the war.

There will most likely be an unseen news passage onthe exam. Students may be given an article from the news media or past media withquestions about the article to respond to. They will need to give their opinion(supported by details) on the issues or info in the article.Be able to comment on how the event relatesto the study of empowerment and , where applicable, how the event may relate toyou and/or life in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Grade 7 Language Arts

Final Exam Review


Grade 7 Language Arts


A review will be issued in class toallow practice of the types of questions expected in the exam.

Grade 7 final study guidemr. regan

Your review is comprised of two parts.The first is Literature and the second isLanguage skills.


1. Reviewall Literary selections in your Mystery and WonderAnthology and Magazine and Working TogetherAnthology and Magazine.There will be anunseen short story on the final exam with comprehension and critical thinkingquestions based on your study of the Mystery and Wonder and Working Together selections.You will need to review all handouts,activity sheets and questions in your notes .


2.An understanding and knowledge of the Literary devices will aid you withresponding to short answer questions on the exam.Theseliterary devices will also be used in objective form on the exam ( e.g.fill in the blanks, matching, etc.)


Acomplete list of literary devices is attached to the study guide.


1.GENRE:is a term meaning' literary form' or a particular type ofwriting.When you study literature by genreyou are looking atthe way pieces of writing are similar in structure, even though they may betotally different in theme or content.Poetry, prose and drama are distinct genres.Each basic genre can usually be broken downinto more precise ones; e.g. essays, short stories and novels are all prosegenres.

2.THEME:is a subject, topic,or main idea of a piece of literature.The theme of a piece of writing is not always the same as its subject orplot.Exploring the theme of a piece of writing cantell you what it was that motivated an author to write it.

3.CHARACTER: is a person in a play, poem, novel or short story.Characters whose appearance, background,feelings, and thoughts are described in detail, are known as well-roundedor'three-dimensional' characters.A pieceof fiction can contain major or minorcharacters.If the charactersare well-created, then the plotof a story will usually be more convincing than if they are not well defined.

4.CHARACTERIZATION: is the way an author creates the characters and is an importantpart of the writing process.A piece offiction or a poem can contain majorand minor characters.

5.MAJOR CHARACTERS: are those who directly affect the plot of the writing.

6.MINOR CHARACTERS: are more a part of the setting and atmosphere

7.CHARACTER SKETCH (ANALYSIS): is a brief description of a character, using whatever evidence is available to you, inorder to show that character's attitudes, feelings, thoughts and personality.

8.EVIDENCE: In literature, the evidence is found in the text in theform of words, phrases, statements, imagery, and figures of speech.

9.PLOT: is the plan or main story of a short story, novel, play, poem,etc.Plot is always the product of conflict and usually has threephases: a rising action during which suspensebuilds up, a climax or turningpoint, and a falling action, or resolution.Sometimes though, the climax and the resolutionare one and the same point, as in the case of stories with surprise endings.

10.SETTING: is the time, place, and circumstances of a story.Setting ties in closely with atmosphere, mood and description and is a very important aspect ofcreative writing.A believable settingcan bring your characters tolife, help your plot to flowsmoothly and influence your choice of imagery.

11.CONFLICT: is any struggle between opposing forces and plays acentral role in literature; without it there would be no story to tell.The plot of any story revolves around theway characters deal with conflict.There are three types of conflict; external, internal, and interpersonal.

12.EXTERNAL CONFLICT: is the simplest form of conflict in which a character is struggling againstsomething in the outside world.

13.INTERNAL CONFLICT: is a type of conflict in which the character must deal with his orher own thoughts and feelings.

14.INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT:is atype of conflict in which the character'sstruggle is with another person.

15.ATMOSPHERE: in literature, the word is used to describe the overallimpression the reader gets from the words,images, and setting of a text and the paceset by the story's plot.

16.MOOD: is very closely related to atmosphere.The mood of a piece of literature consists oftwo things: the feelings and emotions of the author as they come through in thewriting, and the feelings that the writing produces in you, the reader.

17.SUSPENSE: is the condition of being uncertain about an outcome ordecision.When you find yourselfworrying or wondering about what is going to happen to a character in a story,and keep reading to find out, then you are responding to the author's creationof suspense.

18.CLIMAX:is the point at whichthe plot of a narrative reaches its 'turning point.'Everything that a narrative has beenpreparing us for comes to a head in the climax:the conflict between characters, the building of suspense, all the hidden detailsthat the writer has worked into the plot.Stories usually end at the climax, but more often the climaxis followed by a short conclusion or resolution.

19.RESOLUTION: is the conclusion or end of a story, followed by the climax.

20.COMPARISON AND CONTRAST: throughout your school career you will beasked to compare and contrast things.As you work through the Language Arts programyou will discover that contrastis one of the most powerful tools that a writer has in order to get his or herideas across to a reader.Comparison involves pointing outthe similarities and differences between things which are basically alike.Contrastinvolves putting things side by side in order to emphasize their differences

3.Review all poetry selections in your Red Book of class collection ofsongs .Also, you willneed to review selections in your Poetry Anthologyand Magazine. There will be an unseen poem on the final exam with comprehensionand critical thinking questions based on your study of Poetry this year.

4. Be prepared to apply knowledge and understandingof the Poetry Devices in response to questions on the final exam.These poetry devices will also be used in objective form on thefinal exam ( e.g. fill in the blanks, matching, etc.)


Acomplete list of Poetry Devices is attached to the study guide.


1.LITERAL LANGUAGE- Language is literal when the words are to be taken as a truedescription of something.( When itmeans exactly what it say)

e.g.literal –I ran a mile

2.FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE- Language is figurative when it is meant to beinterpreted other than literal.( Whenit has a symbolic meaning)

e.g.figurative – I was so scared that I ran amile.

3.ALLITERATION- Repetition of initialconsonant sounds in a group or words close together.

e.g.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

4.TONE- feelings or meanings conveyed in the poem

5.STANZA- a grouping of two or more linesof a poem in terms of length, metrical form, or rhyme scheme

6.SIMILE- A comparison between two unlikethings using like or as. E.g. 'My love is like a red rose.

7.METAPHOR- A comparison between twounlike things without using like or as.Something is somethingelse.E.g.The doctor inspected the rash with avulture's eye.

8.PERSONIFICATION- Giving human qualitiesor characteristics to animals or inanimate objects.

9.ASSONANCE-The repetition of a vowelsound.E.g.The eagle lived free and easy.

10.HYPERBOLE- Overstatement orexaggeration.E.g. I will just die if Ido not go to the party.

11.SYMBOL- An object or idea that standsfor something else.Common symbols forlove are roses and hearts.A dove is asymbol for peace.

12.ONOMATOPOEIA- The use of words whichimitate sound. E.g. buzz, tweet,ping

13.IMAGERY- Words that appeal to thesenses. It creates vivid mental pictures ( sight, smell, taste, touch, andsound).

14.SPEAKER- The voice in the poem ( notalways the poet).

15.OXYMORON- A seeming contradiction in twowords put together.

16.SETTING- is the time, place, andcircumstances of the poem. It ties in closesly with atmosphere and mood.

17.ATMOSPHERE- in Poetry, is used todescribe the overall impression the reader gets from the words, images, andsetting of the poem.

18.MOOD- The mood of a poem consists of twothings: the feelings and emotions of the author as they come through in thepoem, and the feelings that the poem produces in the reader.

19.COMPARISON- involves pointing out thesimilarities and differences between things which are basically alike.

20.CONTRAST- involves putting things sideby side in order to emphasize their differences.

5.AllShort Story and Poetryquestions should be responded to using therubric for responding to questions.

ShortStory and Poetry Response Rubric

1.Define any term(s) inthe question.

2.Give thesis – answer the question.

3.Support – give a quote or example of support from the storyor poem.

4.Connect the quote or example of support to the thesis.

5.Conclusion – Conclude yourresponse with a final statement.

6. Novel studieswere completed this year and will be evaluated independently of theFinal exam.

Language Skills

1.There will be a demand writing piece on the exam.Students will be given a choice of writingprompts for to write an Expository essay of 300 -350 words.Students will be required to write an outlineprior to writing the essay based on the outline format studied in class duringthe Essay Unit.A student's copy of theEssay Unitand The Traits of Writingwill be permitted in the exam room.Thestudents will be required to write a well-developed essay on loose leaf paperprovided.Remember, that it is important to include a good topicsentence and conclusion.Also, rememberto make sure that your ideas flow in a logical order that is easy to follow andunderstand.Remember to follow theTraits of good writing rubric. ( Refer to Traits of Good Writing Handout.A copy of The Traits of Writing was given inclass during first term ).The LanguageEvaluation Rubric for evaluating the demand writing will be based on The Traitsof Writing.

LanguageEvaluation Rubric

DemandWriting will be evaluated in the six areas of the Traits of Writing:

1) 10% Content:1) Did I write on the topicgiven?

2) Does my writing have enough detail?

2) 10% Organization: 1) How are my paragraphsorganized?

2) Doall my paragraphs have: a) a topic sentence?

b) a body of sentences?

c) a concluding sentence?

3) 5% Sentence Structure: 1) Do all my sentences havecomplete thoughts?

2) Do I have different lengths of sentences?

4)5%Word Choice: 1) Have I used interestingwords in my writing?

2)Have I repeated my words very often?

5)5%Voice: 1) How interested am I in my topic?

2) Is my writing assignment when completed,interesting to read?

6)5%Conventions: 1) Have I checked my writing assignmentfor: a) spelling?

b) punctuation?


d) general rules of grammar?

2.The study of Grammar wascompleted this year in the Spelling and Language Power Activity Workbooksand will be evaluated separately from theFinal Exam.Please ensure that SpellingUnits 1-24 are complete and submitted by May 28. Lessons covered in Language Power should be submittedby May 28.


1.Objective format 10%

2.Unseen short story 30%

3.Unseen Poem 20%

Demand Writing – Expository

7 Français

Final ExamReview

Nom :_______________________________

Grade7 French Exam Review

End of first weekteach to be happy birthday. Review sheets and practice questionswill be issued prior to the exam and will be reviewed in class to allowpractice of the types of questions expected in the exam.

1.Students need to know the meaning andspelling of the vocabulary for the units 'La guerre aux dechets', 'Entrepreneurs en herbes!' , and ' Phénomènescanadiens' in both English and French.

2.Students need to know the DAYS OF THEWEEK and the MONTHS OF THE YEAR inFrench.Be able to recognize and spellthese.

3.Studentsneed to know the meanings of the following French Interrogativeexpressions.Thisis so that they can comprehend questions in order toanswer them and apply these in written responses.

Qui?– Who? Combiende. . .? – How much/how many?

Quand?– When?Qu'est-ce-que?– What is it?

Où? – Where?Est-ce-que? – Is it that?

Pourquoi? – Why?Quel/Quelle? – What?

Comment?– How?Quoi? – What?

4.Students should know the meaning of and be able to conjugate thefollowing verbs in the present tense.

-ER Pattern













-RE PatternIR-Pattern













se leverse réveiller

se déshabillerse brosser lesdents

se coucherse laver

se raserse maquiller


se peignerse dépêcher

se préparerse regarder dans le miroir

se coiffers'entendre

se débrouiller

5.Students should be able to write sentences in the immediate future tense( le futur proche) or translate such sentences.Be sure to follow the model for le futur proche.

Model:subject + conjugated form of ALLER + INFINITIVE of main verb + rest of thephrase

e.g.Il danse avec ses amis. – Il va danser avec ses amis.

She is goingto play hockey. – Elle va jouer auhockey.

6.Be able to write sentences using 2-verb combinations.

e.g.Il aime danser. – He likes to dance.

Ilva jouer au hockey. – He is going to play hockey.

7.Besure to know and understandthe use and meaning of French accents and Punctuation. (Refer to class handoutin your binder.)

8.Be able to write the time from numbers to words and from words tonumbers.Youalso need to know both the 12 and 24 hourclock and be able to convert from one to the other.

9.Be able to recognize and write the numbers from 1-69 and makecalculations in french.(Refer topages 26-27 of your Entrepreneurs en herbes workbook).

10.Be able to write simple Frenchsentences.

11.Know and be able to apply thepossessive adjectives given in the chart in your notesand in your workbook (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta . . .)


The adjective you choose isdetermined by the gender of the noun it is describing NOTby the gender of the person who possesses it.

e.g.Il joue avec sa balle.

(‘La balle'is feminine, therefore the feminine formof‘his' is the correct form of theadjective).

12.Know and be able to apply the demonstrative adjectives given in yournotes and in your workbook ( ce, cet, cette, ces)

13.Be able to apply all forms of thepartitive article as it applies to the three French themes studied this year.

14. Know and be able to use thedefinite articles le, la, les, and l' (Refer to handout given this term).

15. Know and be able to use thedirect object pronouns; le, la, les or l' to replace a noun.Remember that the direct object pronounalways agrees in gender and number with the noun which it is replacing andalways comes before the verb.

16.Be able to apply prepositions plusplace names as outlined in the notes given in your binder and the practiceexercises in class.Any place namesgiven in the vocabulary list and in the photocopied notes may be used fortesting in the exam.**Do not forget thehelpful hints. (e.g. all continents are feminine).

17.Be able to apply the prepositionà+ the definite article ( refer to page38 in your Entrepreneurs en herbes workbook)

18.There will most likely be a shortreading and writing section on the exam. Review all your work on writing scripts,menus, etc.You also need to reviewreading French text and be prepared to answer short questions related to the text.

19. Be able to know and use adverbsto describe a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

20. Be able to recognize and writethe numbers from 1-100 in word form in French.

21. Be able to write simple Frenchsentences.

22. Students should know and be able to apply all of thefollowing reflexive pronouns so that they may conjugate all of the reflexive verbsfrom the vocabulary list in the present tense.

Je meNous nous

Tu teVous vous

Il/Elle seIls/Elles se

On se

23. Know when to usereflexive vs non-reflexive verbs.

e.g.Elle se lève la main.

Ellelève la main de son ami.

24. Be able to identify different forms of adjectives when describing anobject.( refer to unit 'La guerre aux dechets)

25. Be able to write/compose a complete sentences when given a subject, averb and a complement.

26.Be able to write the correctform of a verb when the subject is known.

27. Be able to describe an action.

28. Be able to explain how to do something using the preposition 'pour +a verb in the infinitive form.

29.There will most likely be alistening section on the exam.You willneed to be able to select the correct response from choices given.( Refer to similar oral activities in yourtwo workbooks).

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an effort to ensure that all students in public schools in America acquire the skills and knowledge they need in order to be prepared to achieve success at college or in the workforce.

The federal government is not responsible for this initiative; it was developed at the state level by government leaders and education professionals who were concerned about the lack of national standards for the education of children. As of this writing, 45 states have voluntarily adopted the standards, along with three territories and the District of Columbia.

Before the initiative, each state set its own educational requirements, which led to a situation in which some states had much lower standards than others. Not only was this unfair to the students who were being held to the lower standards, it also made it very difficult for parents, colleges, and employers to gauge the value of a high school diploma, because requirements varied so greatly.

With one set of standards for all, everyone concerned is better able to judge how effectively a school is teaching its students.

Practice Question Directory



Having a consistent standard across the United States is not a magic solution that will solve all the problems in our nation's schools, but it will certainly play a key role in education reform, for several reasons. Having one standard will allow parents and students to know exactly what will be expected of students in order to earn a diploma.

Teachers will also have a clear expectation of what's required of them, and education programs at colleges and universities will be better able to train our nation's future teachers. In addition, educational publishers will have benchmarks to guide them in developing textbooks and other educational materials. Testing will also be more effective with uniform, clear-cut standards across the board.


Industrial RevolutionLabourUnionsMiddleclass

Role modelsocialreformsuffrage

Suffragist movementsweatshopsstrikes

Safety lawssocialdisparitytruck system

Thisunit focuses the changes that occurred across Canada in the early part of the 20thcentury .Some on of the trends observedincluding improvements in the quality of living, education and massive changesin the workforce, employment available and location of the population.

Youshould also be able to discuss worker's conditions in the primary resourceindustries such as logging, mining, fisheries and factory work, the reasonsleading to the formation of Unions and women's issues.

Unit6: A Stronger Nation


Key terms to know and understand


Battle of Sommeconvoysenemyaliens

Front lineinternmentcampsNo Mans Land

over the topPropagandastalemate


Youshould be able to provide a detailed outline of the events leading from theassassination to the total outbreak of war.You should also be able to explain why some countries had to go towar.You should be able to identify whenthe battles of 2nd Ypres, Somme, and Vimy Ridge occurred and mostimportantly why each battle was so important to Canada and the lessons that werelearned from each.

Youshould also be able to discuss the different roles adopted by people during theFirst World war and the impact that this had after the war.

Youshould also be able to discuss Canada'seconomic growth during the war and the many benefits of the war upon Canadianbusiness as well as the difficulties encountered during the war.

Youshould be able to describe, with reference to disempowerment, the experience ofthose defined as 'aliens' by the Canadian government.You should also be able to discuss theexperiences of those who were opposed to Conscription and conscientiouslyobjected to the war.

There will most likely be an unseen news passage onthe exam. Students may be given an article from the news media or past media withquestions about the article to respond to. They will need to give their opinion(supported by details) on the issues or info in the article.Be able to comment on how the event relatesto the study of empowerment and , where applicable, how the event may relate toyou and/or life in Newfoundland and Labrador.

Grade 7 Language Arts

Final Exam Review


Grade 7 Language Arts


A review will be issued in class toallow practice of the types of questions expected in the exam.

Your review is comprised of two parts.The first is Literature and the second isLanguage skills.


1. Reviewall Literary selections in your Mystery and WonderAnthology and Magazine and Working TogetherAnthology and Magazine.There will be anunseen short story on the final exam with comprehension and critical thinkingquestions based on your study of the Mystery and Wonder and Working Together selections.You will need to review all handouts,activity sheets and questions in your notes .

2.An understanding and knowledge of the Literary devices will aid you withresponding to short answer questions on the exam.Theseliterary devices will also be used in objective form on the exam ( e.g.fill in the blanks, matching, etc.)


Acomplete list of literary devices is attached to the study guide.


1.GENRE:is a term meaning' literary form' or a particular type ofwriting.When you study literature by genreyou are looking atthe way pieces of writing are similar in structure, even though they may betotally different in theme or content.Poetry, prose and drama are distinct genres.Each basic genre can usually be broken downinto more precise ones; e.g. essays, short stories and novels are all prosegenres.

2.THEME:is a subject, topic,or main idea of a piece of literature.The theme of a piece of writing is not always the same as its subject orplot.Exploring the theme of a piece of writing cantell you what it was that motivated an author to write it.

3.CHARACTER: is a person in a play, poem, novel or short story.Characters whose appearance, background,feelings, and thoughts are described in detail, are known as well-roundedor'three-dimensional' characters.A pieceof fiction can contain major or minorcharacters.If the charactersare well-created, then the plotof a story will usually be more convincing than if they are not well defined.

4.CHARACTERIZATION: is the way an author creates the characters and is an importantpart of the writing process.A piece offiction or a poem can contain majorand minor characters.

5.MAJOR CHARACTERS: are those who directly affect the plot of the writing.

6.MINOR CHARACTERS: are more a part of the setting and atmosphere

7.CHARACTER SKETCH (ANALYSIS): is a brief description of a character, using whatever evidence is available to you, inorder to show that character's attitudes, feelings, thoughts and personality.

8.EVIDENCE: In literature, the evidence is found in the text in theform of words, phrases, statements, imagery, and figures of speech.

9.PLOT: is the plan or main story of a short story, novel, play, poem,etc.Plot is always the product of conflict and usually has threephases: a rising action during which suspensebuilds up, a climax or turningpoint, and a falling action, or resolution.Sometimes though, the climax and the resolutionare one and the same point, as in the case of stories with surprise endings.

10.SETTING: is the time, place, and circumstances of a story.Setting ties in closely with atmosphere, mood and description and is a very important aspect ofcreative writing.A believable settingcan bring your characters tolife, help your plot to flowsmoothly and influence your choice of imagery.

11.CONFLICT: is any struggle between opposing forces and plays acentral role in literature; without it there would be no story to tell.The plot of any story revolves around theway characters deal with conflict.There are three types of conflict; external, internal, and interpersonal.

12.EXTERNAL CONFLICT: is the simplest form of conflict in which a character is struggling againstsomething in the outside world.

13.INTERNAL CONFLICT: is a type of conflict in which the character must deal with his orher own thoughts and feelings.

14.INTERPERSONAL CONFLICT:is atype of conflict in which the character'sstruggle is with another person.

15.ATMOSPHERE: in literature, the word is used to describe the overallimpression the reader gets from the words,images, and setting of a text and the paceset by the story's plot.

16.MOOD: is very closely related to atmosphere.The mood of a piece of literature consists oftwo things: the feelings and emotions of the author as they come through in thewriting, and the feelings that the writing produces in you, the reader.

17.SUSPENSE: is the condition of being uncertain about an outcome ordecision.When you find yourselfworrying or wondering about what is going to happen to a character in a story,and keep reading to find out, then you are responding to the author's creationof suspense.

18.CLIMAX:is the point at whichthe plot of a narrative reaches its 'turning point.'Everything that a narrative has beenpreparing us for comes to a head in the climax:the conflict between characters, the building of suspense, all the hidden detailsthat the writer has worked into the plot.Stories usually end at the climax, but more often the climaxis followed by a short conclusion or resolution.

19.RESOLUTION: is the conclusion or end of a story, followed by the climax.

20.COMPARISON AND CONTRAST: throughout your school career you will beasked to compare and contrast things.As you work through the Language Arts programyou will discover that contrastis one of the most powerful tools that a writer has in order to get his or herideas across to a reader.Comparison involves pointing outthe similarities and differences between things which are basically alike.Contrastinvolves putting things side by side in order to emphasize their differences

3.Review all poetry selections in your Red Book of class collection ofsongs .Also, you willneed to review selections in your Poetry Anthologyand Magazine. There will be an unseen poem on the final exam with comprehensionand critical thinking questions based on your study of Poetry this year.

4. Be prepared to apply knowledge and understandingof the Poetry Devices in response to questions on the final exam.These poetry devices will also be used in objective form on thefinal exam ( e.g. fill in the blanks, matching, etc.)


Acomplete list of Poetry Devices is attached to the study guide.


1.LITERAL LANGUAGE- Language is literal when the words are to be taken as a truedescription of something.( When itmeans exactly what it say)

e.g.literal –I ran a mile

2.FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE- Language is figurative when it is meant to beinterpreted other than literal.( Whenit has a symbolic meaning)

e.g.figurative – I was so scared that I ran amile.

3.ALLITERATION- Repetition of initialconsonant sounds in a group or words close together.

e.g.Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers

4.TONE- feelings or meanings conveyed in the poem

5.STANZA- a grouping of two or more linesof a poem in terms of length, metrical form, or rhyme scheme

6.SIMILE- A comparison between two unlikethings using like or as. E.g. 'My love is like a red rose.

7.METAPHOR- A comparison between twounlike things without using like or as.Something is somethingelse.E.g.The doctor inspected the rash with avulture's eye.

8.PERSONIFICATION- Giving human qualitiesor characteristics to animals or inanimate objects.

9.ASSONANCE-The repetition of a vowelsound.E.g.The eagle lived free and easy.

10.HYPERBOLE- Overstatement orexaggeration.E.g. I will just die if Ido not go to the party.

11.SYMBOL- An object or idea that standsfor something else.Common symbols forlove are roses and hearts.A dove is asymbol for peace.

12.ONOMATOPOEIA- The use of words whichimitate sound. E.g. buzz, tweet,ping

13.IMAGERY- Words that appeal to thesenses. It creates vivid mental pictures ( sight, smell, taste, touch, andsound).

14.SPEAKER- The voice in the poem ( notalways the poet).

15.OXYMORON- A seeming contradiction in twowords put together.

16.SETTING- is the time, place, andcircumstances of the poem. It ties in closesly with atmosphere and mood.

17.ATMOSPHERE- in Poetry, is used todescribe the overall impression the reader gets from the words, images, andsetting of the poem.

18.MOOD- The mood of a poem consists of twothings: the feelings and emotions of the author as they come through in thepoem, and the feelings that the poem produces in the reader.

19.COMPARISON- involves pointing out thesimilarities and differences between things which are basically alike.

20.CONTRAST- involves putting things sideby side in order to emphasize their differences.

5.AllShort Story and Poetryquestions should be responded to using therubric for responding to questions.

ShortStory and Poetry Response Rubric

1.Define any term(s) inthe question.

2.Give thesis – answer the question.

3.Support – give a quote or example of support from the storyor poem.

4.Connect the quote or example of support to the thesis.

5.Conclusion – Conclude yourresponse with a final statement.

6. Novel studieswere completed this year and will be evaluated independently of theFinal exam.

Language Skills

1.There will be a demand writing piece on the exam.Students will be given a choice of writingprompts for to write an Expository essay of 300 -350 words.Students will be required to write an outlineprior to writing the essay based on the outline format studied in class duringthe Essay Unit.A student's copy of theEssay Unitand The Traits of Writingwill be permitted in the exam room.Thestudents will be required to write a well-developed essay on loose leaf paperprovided.Remember, that it is important to include a good topicsentence and conclusion.Also, rememberto make sure that your ideas flow in a logical order that is easy to follow andunderstand.Remember to follow theTraits of good writing rubric. ( Refer to Traits of Good Writing Handout.A copy of The Traits of Writing was given inclass during first term ).The LanguageEvaluation Rubric for evaluating the demand writing will be based on The Traitsof Writing.

LanguageEvaluation Rubric

DemandWriting will be evaluated in the six areas of the Traits of Writing:

1) 10% Content:1) Did I write on the topicgiven?

2) Does my writing have enough detail?

2) 10% Organization: 1) How are my paragraphsorganized?

2) Doall my paragraphs have: a) a topic sentence?

b) a body of sentences?

c) a concluding sentence?

3) 5% Sentence Structure: 1) Do all my sentences havecomplete thoughts?

2) Do I have different lengths of sentences?

4)5%Word Choice: 1) Have I used interestingwords in my writing?

2)Have I repeated my words very often?

5)5%Voice: 1) How interested am I in my topic?

2) Is my writing assignment when completed,interesting to read?

6)5%Conventions: 1) Have I checked my writing assignmentfor: a) spelling?

b) punctuation?


d) general rules of grammar?

2.The study of Grammar wascompleted this year in the Spelling and Language Power Activity Workbooksand will be evaluated separately from theFinal Exam.Please ensure that SpellingUnits 1-24 are complete and submitted by May 28. Lessons covered in Language Power should be submittedby May 28.


1.Objective format 10%

2.Unseen short story 30%

3.Unseen Poem 20%

Demand Writing – Expository

7 Français

Final ExamReview

Nom :_______________________________

Grade7 French Exam Review

End of first weekteach to be happy birthday. Review sheets and practice questionswill be issued prior to the exam and will be reviewed in class to allowpractice of the types of questions expected in the exam.

1.Students need to know the meaning andspelling of the vocabulary for the units 'La guerre aux dechets', 'Entrepreneurs en herbes!' , and ' Phénomènescanadiens' in both English and French.

2.Students need to know the DAYS OF THEWEEK and the MONTHS OF THE YEAR inFrench.Be able to recognize and spellthese.

3.Studentsneed to know the meanings of the following French Interrogativeexpressions.Thisis so that they can comprehend questions in order toanswer them and apply these in written responses.

Qui?– Who? Combiende. . .? – How much/how many?

Quand?– When?Qu'est-ce-que?– What is it?

Où? – Where?Est-ce-que? – Is it that?

Pourquoi? – Why?Quel/Quelle? – What?

Comment?– How?Quoi? – What?

4.Students should know the meaning of and be able to conjugate thefollowing verbs in the present tense.

-ER Pattern













-RE PatternIR-Pattern












se leverse réveiller

se déshabillerse brosser lesdents

se coucherse laver

se raserse maquiller


se peignerse dépêcher

se préparerse regarder dans le miroir

se coiffers'entendre

se débrouiller

5.Students should be able to write sentences in the immediate future tense( le futur proche) or translate such sentences.Be sure to follow the model for le futur proche.

Model:subject + conjugated form of ALLER + INFINITIVE of main verb + rest of thephrase

e.g.Il danse avec ses amis. – Il va danser avec ses amis.

She is goingto play hockey. – Elle va jouer auhockey.

6.Be able to write sentences using 2-verb combinations.

e.g.Il aime danser. – He likes to dance.

Ilva jouer au hockey. – He is going to play hockey.

7.Besure to know and understandthe use and meaning of French accents and Punctuation. (Refer to class handoutin your binder.)

8.Be able to write the time from numbers to words and from words tonumbers.Youalso need to know both the 12 and 24 hourclock and be able to convert from one to the other.

9.Be able to recognize and write the numbers from 1-69 and makecalculations in french.(Refer topages 26-27 of your Entrepreneurs en herbes workbook).

10.Be able to write simple Frenchsentences.

11.Know and be able to apply thepossessive adjectives given in the chart in your notesand in your workbook (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta . . .)


The adjective you choose isdetermined by the gender of the noun it is describing NOTby the gender of the person who possesses it.

e.g.Il joue avec sa balle.

(‘La balle'is feminine, therefore the feminine formof‘his' is the correct form of theadjective).

12.Know and be able to apply the demonstrative adjectives given in yournotes and in your workbook ( ce, cet, cette, ces)

13.Be able to apply all forms of thepartitive article as it applies to the three French themes studied this year.

14. Know and be able to use thedefinite articles le, la, les, and l' (Refer to handout given this term).

15. Know and be able to use thedirect object pronouns; le, la, les or l' to replace a noun.Remember that the direct object pronounalways agrees in gender and number with the noun which it is replacing andalways comes before the verb.

16.Be able to apply prepositions plusplace names as outlined in the notes given in your binder and the practiceexercises in class.Any place namesgiven in the vocabulary list and in the photocopied notes may be used fortesting in the exam.**Do not forget thehelpful hints. (e.g. all continents are feminine).

17.Be able to apply the prepositionà+ the definite article ( refer to page38 in your Entrepreneurs en herbes workbook)

18.There will most likely be a shortreading and writing section on the exam. Review all your work on writing scripts,menus, etc.You also need to reviewreading French text and be prepared to answer short questions related to the text.

19. Be able to know and use adverbsto describe a verb, an adjective or another adverb.

20. Be able to recognize and writethe numbers from 1-100 in word form in French.

21. Be able to write simple Frenchsentences.

22. Students should know and be able to apply all of thefollowing reflexive pronouns so that they may conjugate all of the reflexive verbsfrom the vocabulary list in the present tense.

Je meNous nous

Tu teVous vous

Il/Elle seIls/Elles se

On se

23. Know when to usereflexive vs non-reflexive verbs.

e.g.Elle se lève la main.

Ellelève la main de son ami.

24. Be able to identify different forms of adjectives when describing anobject.( refer to unit 'La guerre aux dechets)

25. Be able to write/compose a complete sentences when given a subject, averb and a complement.

26.Be able to write the correctform of a verb when the subject is known.

27. Be able to describe an action.

28. Be able to explain how to do something using the preposition 'pour +a verb in the infinitive form.

29.There will most likely be alistening section on the exam.You willneed to be able to select the correct response from choices given.( Refer to similar oral activities in yourtwo workbooks).

The Common Core State Standards Initiative is an effort to ensure that all students in public schools in America acquire the skills and knowledge they need in order to be prepared to achieve success at college or in the workforce.

The federal government is not responsible for this initiative; it was developed at the state level by government leaders and education professionals who were concerned about the lack of national standards for the education of children. As of this writing, 45 states have voluntarily adopted the standards, along with three territories and the District of Columbia.

Before the initiative, each state set its own educational requirements, which led to a situation in which some states had much lower standards than others. Not only was this unfair to the students who were being held to the lower standards, it also made it very difficult for parents, colleges, and employers to gauge the value of a high school diploma, because requirements varied so greatly.

With one set of standards for all, everyone concerned is better able to judge how effectively a school is teaching its students.

Practice Question Directory



Having a consistent standard across the United States is not a magic solution that will solve all the problems in our nation's schools, but it will certainly play a key role in education reform, for several reasons. Having one standard will allow parents and students to know exactly what will be expected of students in order to earn a diploma.

Teachers will also have a clear expectation of what's required of them, and education programs at colleges and universities will be better able to train our nation's future teachers. In addition, educational publishers will have benchmarks to guide them in developing textbooks and other educational materials. Testing will also be more effective with uniform, clear-cut standards across the board.

This does not mean that all schools in America will become carbon copies of each other. Common Core standards set specific goals, but it will be up to the administrators and teachers in each school to determine the best methods of achieving those goals.

They will have the flexibility and autonomy they need to give their students a great education, while having clear outcomes to aim for. The standards offer teachers and administrators guidance without taking over their classrooms and turning them into automatons.

Grade 7 Final Study Guidemr. Regan's Educational Website Free

The standards are divided into two main categories: Mathematics, and English Language Arts. Standards have been developed only for these two subjects, as they are the foundations upon which students will build to master all other subjects. In each category, there are detailed and objective standards provided for every level, from kindergarten to 12th grade.

Students will be evaluated on a regular basis to measure their progress against the standards for their grade level, and whether or not they receive a high school diploma will depend in large part on their meeting these standards.

While teachers will play a key role in helping students gain the skills and knowledge required by these standards, it will be up to the student to actually pass the exams. To assist students who desire to excel and have the initiative to seek improvement and mastery of the standards on their own, we have provided Common Core practice questions and answers for self-testing purposes.

By taking advantage of these resources, students can determine their strengths and weaknesses, and pinpoint those areas where they may be falling short of the standards. They can also use the questions and answers as a direct means of improvement. Parents should encourage their children to make use of these resources, and monitor their results, as study after study has demonstrated conclusively that children whose parents take an active interest in their education almost always excel.

Self-Assessment Modules:

Grade 7 Final Study Guidemr. Regan's Educational Website Page


Grade 7 Final Study Guidemr. Regan's Educational Websites


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